Recently, a seed of the Opera was thrown into the African soil of Nigeria, precisely in the Diocese of Umuahia in the South East of the country. Here, a new, demanding and important path opens up for our community, which intends to work in the spirit of Fr Ambrogio's ideal of charity to the poor, the sick, the elderly, and for the integral education and formation of children and young people in schools and catechetical centres. This means also, for our Sisters, adapting to every environment and human condition, developing close-relationship with the local people, irrespective of who they are and where they live. Although, in its infancy stage of foundation, the new mission of the Oblate Sisters of St. Benedict of Joseph Labre in Nigeria, has started already to manifest the key characteristics of the missionary apostolate of the Congregation. This is evident, especially, in three major areas of the apostolate our Sisters are developing in Nigeria, namely, health care of children in our Maternity and Pediatric hospital, education of children in Nursery/primary schools, and providing solid formation of young women and girls from the area seeking to live religious life of Consecrated women through the Congregation.

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